
That Girl with the Pen

A candid look at my expectations for 2024… the holy grail



A candid look at my expectations for 2024…


I am making no promises to myself or to anyone about small or huge changes.. I woke up in my bed and I was still me.. My kids were still in their rooms on their computers and gadgets… For that I am grateful.. They are not party animals but very focused…


So I continue my role of working more so that they can get through school. I still have nothing to bequeath them but a good education…


For myself, as a personal reward I shall search for the holy grail… In 2019 I had sex one time when I traveled to France and it was the most boring most annoying event. Afterwards I showered 2 times daily and couldn’t get the dirty feeling to go away… Some of you suggested I needed a therapist… His Lordship said I was a whore who wasn’t very good at her job because I wouldn’t put out and whores usually put out.. I retorted that perhaps I wasn’t very good at the job because he was my first customer as a whore… The poor darling had spent tens of thousands of dollars wooing me… Forget the 5000 spent on Sakosii.. He cried when I wouldn’t marry him… Afterwards he said he was going to kill me.. I spent a few months worrying about my imminent death.. Then he said he had forgiven me and still adored me… Men! Same same..


I have healed myself. Therefore, in 2020, I shall meet a man and have sex with him on the first day that we meet.. I shall meet another and I shall use him till I squirt.. I have only ever heard about it and similar ecstatic orgasms… Experience it I must.. Then I shall meet another man and another… I have many years of a loveless sexless life to make up for…


However, all the sex mentioned above may remain in my dreams if I go back to school. I am actively pursuing this. I still want to be captain of the Boeing by age 60. Men and education do not mix. One must choose one… I suppose I could postpone men and get the education first so that I have the sex on my own terms.. Be able to pay my own airfare to be bedded in Scotland and Wales… Indeed!


That’s it… I have no grandiose plans. It’s a toss up between sex and education. One will win 2024..


Best wishes to you too…



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