
That Girl with the Pen

  • Will I ever be loved again?

    Despite my earlier proclamations of not believing in love ever again, experience tells me that I will love again. And I will be loved again. Now, maybe not tomorrow, and maybe not this year, but I will love again. Because I still believe in love. It is the greatest feeling ever. And can also be…

  • My relationship with White Jesus is fraught with denial and betrayal

    My relationship with White Jesus is fraught with denial and betrayal. I have denied him many times. He has betrayed me many times.   I understand he is being born tonight. And my people, the Africans are right now caught up in a frenzied celebration of the birth of the Israeli god.   And yet…

  • I met an old woman today. And it shocked me to the core!

    I met an old woman today. And it shocked me to the core!   Why would meeting an old woman scare me, you’re probably wondering…   Picture this.   Earlier today, in the afternoon I had gone to a certain office to seek services. Actually to apply for a job. There was an old woman…

  • Why do some men expect so little? And why do I never meet these men?

    Every single day, okay forget the few times I complain once in a blue moon, I am ever so grateful to whoever created or made me, that he/she chose for me to be a woman! As a woman, I am not obligated to pay my leisure bills. Here not talking about school fees or food…

  • Why I still go to Facebook daily

    Thanks Zucker.   I’ll return tomorrow to pick some memories and delete the ones that kinda embarass me today. And to post more memes.   I have gathered thousands of memes on my phone, all forwarded to me by kind friends who want me to have a laugh.   Where shall I store them? My…

  • Of the clothes and makeup that age you instantly

    People are really out to spoil my Monday. If one more person calls me “madam” I will scream.   I think it is because I wore a skirt suit and a WIG.   Didn’t know you risk adding on 10 years when you have both on at the same time.

  • What is in a name? Helping new moms choose names

    What’s in a name? You who are still ignorant ask. The newest most lucrative career is in helping new parents choose names for their newborns. A whole lot of data is analysed including family history. Certain numbers in the spelling of the name are added up. If they do not seem right then the spelling…

  • Is black the new trend?

    Is black the new trend?

    Clearly black is the new trend. Loving this look. Very few girls can get away gracefully with this.   Glad they didn’t change her color like Vanity magazine which made her a very light chocolate

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