
That Girl with the Pen

I don’t think I am equal to the task

I, the Lord, will make it happen

in the right time.

-Isaiah 60:22


I read this verse today and it comforted me somewhat. But then shortly afterwards, I was overwhelmed with an intense sadness when I remembered that there is nobody praying and mentioning my name and those of my children one after the other, sometimes thrice a day.


My father prayed over me a lot. He prayed over my children. I think most grandparents are like that. They pray constantly.


Even though I didn’t believe in these chants, I still felt a certain amount of solace, believing that if there was an hereafter, I and my kids would get into it sorely based on the fact that my father had spent hours upon hours pleading that my life and those of my kids be spared from the wrath and let in, into that heavenly place.


This morning, it dawned on me that I must be the one to take up this heavy cross. I must be the one to carry on the tradition of praying over my kids so that they be comforted and know that life is going to be great.


I don’t think I am equal to the task. My father was a great man and a believer. I am not.


Have a good Sunday and a great week ahead.




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