
That Girl with the Pen

I no longer want to be a corporate slave

Ephesians 6:5 says


“Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ”


I continue to be a slave at this plantation. The worst thing about the plantation is that they keep changing the goal posts.


Long long time ago they told me, “When you reach the ripe old age of 55, we’ll send you on your way, along with a gold monogrammed ink pen (thanks for your service JE) and a small stipend, barely enough for milk 🥛 and daily bread 🍞”


I said, okay I will do it. I will be your slave until I am 55 years old.


A few years later, they said, hey girl, people are stronger nowadays. You need to work till you’re 62 before we can release you to go enjoy your nonexistent fictional dead capital…


Begrudgingly I nodded. Okay, truth is I was given no choice, for I haven’t been an earnest saver, therefore, my cookie jar is empty…


Then, alas, they switched again. Girl, we’ll give you that gold pen at 75. You can drink some monsters, or another energy drink of your choice and crawl to work…


I don’t know how much longer I can do this. I had my very first job when I was barely 18, straight outta high school…


I am half-way to Hell…


I quiet quit a long time ago but the bills keep coming…


When I think of working for 40 more years, I die a little inside… 😢 😭 😿


Why do I have to be a slave to someone else my whole entire life? Where did I go wrong so I can retrace my steps and find myself not needing to be a slave?


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