
That Girl with the Pen

“I’m not talking about Kansas, Dorothy”

The phrase “I’m not talking about Kansas, Dorothy” is a reference to the classic movie “The Wizard of Oz”. In the film, the character Dorothy says “There’s no place like home” while trying to return to her home in Kansas. The expression “I’m not talking about Kansas, Dorothy” is often used to mean “I’m not talking about what you think I’m talking about” or “I’m talking about something different”. It is used to indicate a departure from a shared understanding or assumption

There are several expressions that can replace the phrase “I’m not talking about Kansas, Dorothy”, depending on the context and the intended tone. Some common alternatives include:

• I’m talking about something else entirely

• Let’s not confuse things

• That’s not what I mean

• I have a different topic in mind

• That’s not what I’m getting at

These expressions can convey a similar meaning to “I’m not talking about Kansas, Dorothy”, but may be more or less formal, depending on the situation.


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