
That Girl with the Pen

Looking like a cross between Brad Paisley and Keith Urban

I am alive. And I mean alive. And I am relishing this feeling of being alive…

After working for 15 hours straight I was finally allowed to go home. Not really dog tired but dog bored. So because I knew I would be going back to work after 6 hours I decided to stop at the gas station nearest my job and gas up.

Pulled in. Got out my credit card and tried to pay at pump with it. Not accepted. Got back into car and rummaged for another credit card. Not accepted.

Then you know that feeling you get when you know somebody is looking at you. Lo and behold ..the most amazing looking man was staring at me. Looking like a cross between Brad Paisley and Keith Urban …he smiled across the 15 or so metres….

Then he walked over to where I stood trying to decide whether to reinsert the credit card or abandon mission ..

The absolutely fabulous dreamy smile again …then he said…

“Nice car!”

At which the cat got my tongue …

Then I finally stammered …

“Thanks. It’s my husband’s ”

I should have slapped myself at that point. Who says something like that to an Adonis?

“Have a great day” he said and walked away…

And as soon as he did I immediately scanned myself…

Horror of horrors ..

I was still wearing my pink woollen very thick socks, gold colored flat shoes…and green headscarf …

I wonder if Adonis walked away because of that husband remark or I was a case of looking good from far…

Darn it pink woolen socks…

I am not saying I am in the market …it’s just really nice to have that first feeling of intense attraction…

Lol those are my confessions…was it scandalous enough?



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