
That Girl with the Pen

None of your kids are going to want the good China..

In order to make new resolutions on 31st December as is the custom with all non achievers, I, of course shall jump on the bandwagon of those who suddenly realize that next year they will magically become better, cleverer, stronger, more organized, able to manage money better etc…

But before this great transformation happens, I shall need to finish this year’s projects… One of which was to declutter my house and embrace minimalism…

I do not need to expound on the benefits of minimalism… One advantage that leaps to the mind is the ability to clean the house so much faster…

Anyway yeah, this whole paragraph is written for myself… To remind myself of why I began the journey of giving away my personal stuff which I worked so many long hours to buy…

Embrace minimalism…. None of your children are going to want those old suits you have stashed away… None of your kids are going to want the good China.. It just weighs them down…

This house shall be completely decluttered by 30th December! We shall wake up to a spacious clearer cleaner space…


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