4.41 AM Sunday morning. I woke up desperately craving a cup of my milkless sugarless ginger infused tea. This is my new addiction. When I am getting off something I invariably replace it with something else. I think I have succeeded in ditching Coca-Cola because the desire for it has dwindled to once a week. There was a time I drank two cans daily. In the same way, people that I once craved are replaced. I once thought about His Pekness every five minutes. Then I switched my allegiance to His Pedigreeness. Now my mind is occupied by His Pedigreeness. And I am content. For the moment. Everyone is replaceable. I would be devastated if His Pedigreeness were to replace me…
Oh yes, I woke up to make tea. I am back in bed. I forgot to get a slice of bread. I have to crawl out of bed and go get it myself. Danielle is away at a friend’s house. Nobody to send…
Oh empty nest… I shall marry someone this year. I must have someone at my beck and call… But for now, I have to fetch the bread myself…
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