
That Girl with the Pen

Sometimes living in the glory of the past is what gets us out of bed

I stopped by on Facebook to see if my account had been closed yet.


And also to check on my memories. Sometimes living in the glory of the past is what gets us out of bed, hoping that someday we would relive those good times


I am reminded of one of my favorite all-time shows, The Office, in which, during the show finale, Andy Bernard said, and I quote…


“I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days before you’ve actually left them”


Every time, I reread my memories, see old pictures, I am convinced that I have already lived in the good old days.


Appreciate today. For in ten years, you will look back at today and say, those were the good old days…


Otherwise, I am fine… I hope you are!


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