
That Girl with the Pen

Above all, be gracious. Always!

Above all, be gracious. Always!

That one friend, his birthday is special. That lady, her birthday only comes once a year. And she desires to be celebrated 🍾.

You my friends are being extremely rude and ungracious if you can’t take the time to wish each individual a Happy Birthday.

That lumpsome message stating that 300 of your friends are celebrating their birthday today and you highly doubt that today is their day is in bad taste. And thus you can’t be bothered to wish them a great day…

Either pretend to forget, pretend to be away from Facebook if you can’t write 300 individual messages on their special day… or be gracious and slog through it. The way Facebook has made it easy with the scripted suggestions, it will take you about 10 minutes. 10 minutes of your life to make 300 individuals feel appreciated isn’t asking for much!

I am writing a collective rant because I can’t school all of you individually. Manners maketh a man. People will remember how you treated them… I can’t recall who said that phrase which I have liberally plagiarized and murdered…

Good day you rude self-centered people! Seek to improve!

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