
That Girl with the Pen

Did you make New Year’s Resolutions? I didn’t

Every year I make resolutions and work towards them. Inevitably I fail because I always have about 25 unrealistic grandiose items on the annual list…but it feels pretty nice to have the list. Well I noticed the manly man didn’t have any list and I started nagging him. Everyday I told him off about his lack of ambition. Because he didn’t have a list like I  did. Finally last week he told me he had only one item on his list. ” Honey, i have done everything i ever wanted to do. I just want to be supportive of you because you have a long list and you need help in achieving it.”

Having archived my list, and postponed everything in my mind to next year I am now forced to shut up. He does know how to make me retreat, I will give him that.

P.S This year I believe I will have 30 items. Can’t wait for 31st December to get here.

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