
That Girl with the Pen

Onward we soldier, no more looking back!

Dear Diary


Ideally I should have written this on the 1st day of the month as normal people do. But as nature will attest, I don’t always do my stuff the way normies do. Sometimes I take the longer unjustifiable route. And shortcuts too…


As I was saying, I am giving it one last shot. I am starting a project that is near and dear to my heart and is the culmination of a long held dream.


I am only putting it out here so I can remember the vow to myself. I am a bit long in the tooth but if the gods deem it fit to give me a few more years, this is one of the projects that will contribute to my existence in this world. Quite possibly I am experiencing another midlife crisis, not unlike the last 10 I have had in the last 2 years. I venture to suggest that this one is different.


Why all the secrecy? One might ask. Because, for this to work, it has to be done undercover.


Let’s go! Onward we soldier, no more looking back! Alors… on y va!



PS.. unfortunately Facebook doesn’t have that cool !Remind me 6 months bot, so I will have to personally dig out this post in 6 months to take stock.


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