
That Girl with the Pen

“That’s not who I want to be”…

Having read so many articles on how women make their men, as in being the force that elevates her man to the highest peak possible, I made the decision to transform the manly man and turn him into a successful man of the world.

Presented my proposal of how to change him and his answer “That’s not who I want to be”…

Lately reading more and more stories of the impending divorce of the first family I am forced to question our wisdom, fellow women, of taking a man and making him and then when he is at his peak he decides you are not good enough for him.

Every single day women put aside their ambitions and focus on making the man…

And what do we get in return?

Betrayal after making you…

Now us women, we are slow learners. We reject our predecessor’s mistakes and declare “I am going to make this man”…

And we make them. And they trade us in. Vicious circle.

Well, me I am teaching my daughters selfishness…

Woman, make yourself …

Men really should be able to make themselves …


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