
That Girl with the Pen

Bachelors are so Annoying !

Bachelors are so annoying! So irritating! So juvenile!

It seems that bachelors delight in feeding us with fake stories of how helpless they are in the house, in the kitchen, places which are necessary for survival… They can’t find matching socks but in the dark they know which of the condoms are strawberry flavored and which ones are blueberry…

I cannot count how many times I read, oh I didn’t have a matchbox oh I did not know how to boil an egg, oh I forgot veggies oh I arrived at midnight and to my shock the fridge was empty because oh my gosh the fridge didn’t take itself shopping and magically fill itself with goodies…

The helpless man is no longer en vogue… In fact we savvy women disregard him and press pass… We prefer organized men who can cook for us, whose houses are not in complete disarray…

We the women are no longer slaves rushing to save you from your self inflicted confusion which you think is cute…

Teach yourself how to boil an egg… Or how to quickly put together a four course meal.. Okay that’s gluttony.. A one course meal is sufficient…

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