
That Girl with the Pen

I am a woman! Who has suppressed her insatiable desires

I am a woman! A human female…

The human female is possessed of a sexual drive so strong that she is biologically unsuited for a single spouse, claims Dr. Mary Jane Sherfey, a New York psychiatrist.

In her research into the sexuality of higher primates, Dr. Sherfey confirms the Masters and Johnson report that the sexual instinct of the human female is almost insatiable.

She adds that society would not, of course, permit it, because if the female sexual impulse, were to be allowed to go unchecked, would require all the time and attention of all the available males to satisfy it.


It is the suppression of this drive which has enabled civilization to develop…

PS… I am a woman! Who has suppressed her insatiable desires so that society can thrive….

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