
That Girl with the Pen

Robbery without violence is so upsetting

Robbery without violence is so upsetting. Currently at my KIA dealership getting an oil change. So I walk in and they have this beautiful hostess who talks really loud and I mean really loud. I ask how much it costs and she tells me 35 dollars in the loudest voice ever. I would normally do this for 15 bucks but the next dealership is 50 miles away. And if I leave Dan is gonna burst an artery. I am trying to think but the really loud lady asks if I am going to change the oil and again quotes the cost in the loudest voice ever. All the people seated at the reception are looking on bemused. So I stand up tall and say yes of course. I am offered doughnuts and coffee and they say they are going to throw in a 3 dollar wash free of charge …

Take my seat. Next customer comes in and the same LOUD voice beats him into submission …

I think everybody here has been politely railroaded into submission …

It totally sucks..

I think i will take another doughnut …


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