
That Girl with the Pen

  • Who said old dogs can’t learn new tricks?

    Who said old dogs can’t learn new tricks? Well they were so very wrong. I used to be one of those commoners that doesn’t appreciate subtle art and brilliant timeless pieces of music. His Pekness listens to them all the time. And he suggested I open my mind for one hour and sit still and…

  • White Jesus won’t fix the complex situation

    Walking on this earth and listening to people, I have learned that everyone, yes everyone, is trapped in a complex situation. They just don’t show it or they hope to get out of it before the whole world knows of their shame…   A bad marriage, a terrible relationship, money troubles, situationships they can’t escape,…

  • Another day Another dollar

    Another day, another dollar. Like literally that’s what keeps me going on the minute by minute basis.   On the hour, i say to myself, ok they now owe me ____dollars. Let me get through the next hour. CS has never been easy work, reading a script that you sometimes can barely understand to people…

  • Will ChatGPT and AI take away my job?

    “Let us endeavor to return to our abode on the morrow and partake in the consumption of sustenance.” Translation “Let’s go home tomorrow and eat.” I had to ask ChatGPT to rewrite the above sentence for me. With the proliferation of ChatGPT and artificial intelligence, more and more I am observing my friends the Luopeans…

  • I no longer want to be a corporate slave

    Ephesians 6:5 says   “Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ”   I continue to be a slave at this plantation. The worst thing about the plantation is that they keep changing the goal posts.   Long long time ago they told…

  • 2024 is all about me: The year of growth

    I like to treat this wall as my public diary, as in it is a me me me me wall. The focus is me and the life that I lead both in real life and in my imaginary fancy world. Yes, even as a child, I always had my head in the clouds. If you…

  • Everyone sells their bodies but refuse to acknowledge it

    We all sell our bodies for something. You just hope the person you’re selling to, doesn’t kill you.   During my last selling, I took an all expenses paid tour to Europe and was miserable. The man threatened to kill me when I refused to marry him.   I had told him we would get…

  • What is happening in America in 2024 re sanctity of life?

    I call upon all Americans to reflect upon the sanctity of human life.   Let us recognize the day with appropriate ceremonies in our homes and places of worship, rededicate ourselves to compassionate service on behalf of the weak and defenseless, and reaffirm our commitment to respect the life and dignity of every human being….

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