
That Girl with the Pen

  • The new man pretends to be in touch with his sensitive side

    The more and more I read the reasoning of the emerging boy child, the more I feel embarrassed by these men who want to have sex for FREE. These are the savvy ones who on the first date tell you they believe in love at first sight. They go on to proclaim that you are…

  • marriage is the most pretentious prison… But I am ready

    No Sunday reflections today as I have recently been introduced to a man long in the tooth, who owns 100 acres, some cattle, some horses and a few mules…. I am in the midst of transforming myself into a picture-perfect future dotted-on wife, for marriage is the most pretentious prison… My reflections and writings are…

  • What are you selling on Facebook?

    Ask yourself these hard questions!! What are you selling on Facebook? I am not selling anything so 30 minutes here could be better spent where I get paid. In the alternative, what connections are you making through Facebook? That’s the only other reason acceptable for spending time here. Connections to upgrade you, connections to heal…

  • Above all, be gracious. Always!

    Above all, be gracious. Always! That one friend, his birthday is special. That lady, her birthday only comes once a year. And she desires to be celebrated 🍾. You my friends are being extremely rude and ungracious if you can’t take the time to wish each individual a Happy Birthday. That lumpsome message stating that…

  • men crying that it’s harder for them to walk out of marriages

    So boring!!   I am tired of men crying that it’s harder for them to walk out of marriages without them seeming weak.   The trending message today is that men don’t open up because they face ridicule…   I have a simple question… If you men, are in a relationship where you are being…

  • So many women have graduated from various universities

    My timeline is awesome today… So many women have graduated from various universities… I am not saying that I am going to like you more or that I am going to lower my guard against you, natural gossips, but I am truly proud of you… Education goes a long way. I can’t remember which female…

  • Jealous much? Annoyed much?

    Jealous much? Annoyed much? Tired much? Ugly much? I hate people who end their questions with much! These passive-aggressive young men and women are everywhere and I can’t seem to escape them. I am reminded of a girl I knew 10 years ago. It was from her that I first learned that inelegant turn of…

  • I am a woman! Who has suppressed her insatiable desires

    I am a woman! A human female… The human female is possessed of a sexual drive so strong that she is biologically unsuited for a single spouse, claims Dr. Mary Jane Sherfey, a New York psychiatrist. In her research into the sexuality of higher primates, Dr. Sherfey confirms the Masters and Johnson report that the…

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